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Smith, John Day

House 1889-90 (District 29); Senate 1891-94 (District 34)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Hennepin


Date of Birth: 2/25/1845
Birth Place: Litchfield, Maine
Birth County: Kermebec
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 3/5/1933
Gender: Male
Religion: Baptist
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Minneapolis
Occupation (when first elected): Lawyer; Senior Partner, Smith and Parsons Law Firm/Former Lecturer on Constitutional Law and Law of Evidence; Howard University, 3 years/Former Academy Principal, Worcester, Massachusetts


Maine Public Schools; At Least Elementary School; Kermebec County
Brown University; A.M.; 1875
Brown University; College Graduate; 1872
Columbia University Law School; LL.M.; 1881; Admitted to the Bar, 1881
Columbia University Law School; LL.B.; 1878; Admitted to the Bar, 1878


Military: 19th Maine Volunteers Regiment, Company F (United States Civil War, Army of the Potomac, Severly Wounded Before the Battle of Petersburg; Also Wounded at Gettysburg, Suffered a Facial Wound at Jerusalem Road, Discharged Due to These Wounds, Corporal); 06/26/1862 to 04/25/1865
State Agency: Grand Army, Department of Minnesota (Department Commander); 02/1893 to 18?? [Elected]
Judge: 4th Judicial District, Minnesota (District Judge); 1904 to 1??? [Elected]


Spouse: Mary Hardy Chadbourne (first wife, married in 1872, she died in 1874); Laura Bean (remarried on September 16, 1879)
Children: Five children: Mary (daughter, with first wife); Edward Day (son, with second wife); Elizabeth, Mabel Edna, and Emma (daughters, with second wife)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He was of English ancestry.

He grew up on a farm.

He came to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1880 or 1885.

"Mr. Smith has always been a Republican..." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)

He fought in many battles in the United States Civil War including Frederickburg, Chancellorsville, Bristol Station, Mine Row, Battle of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, North Anna, Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Gettysberg, and Jerusalen Road. He suffered a near fatal facial wound at Jerusalem Road and was discharged due to his wounds.

He was President of the Sons of the American Revolution in 1906.

He was a member of the Ark Chapter of the Darios Commandery of the Knights Templar.

He was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

He was President of the Minneapolis Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals.

He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church.

His birth county, family data, Civil War battles, membership in associations, and death date were provided by a relative.

Religion provided by a relative and Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897.

Total Days Served: 2191


28th Legislative Session (1893-1894) (second half of Senate term)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 34
Elected: 11/4/1890
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1891 to 1/6/1895
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Attorney; Senior Partner, Smith and Parsons Law Firm/Constitutional Law Lecturer, University of Minnesota
Party: Republican
  • Judiciary (Chair)
  • Logs and Lumber
  • Reapportionment
  • University and University Lands

27th Legislative Session (1891-1892)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 34
Elected: 11/4/1890
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1891 to 1/6/1895
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Attorney; Senior Partner, Smith and Parsons Law Firm/Constitutional Law Lecturer, University of Minnesota
Party: Republican
  • Indian Affairs
  • Judiciary
  • Local Legislation
  • State Public School
  • University and University Lands

26th Legislative Session (1889-1890)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 29
Elected: 11/6/1888
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/7/1889 to 1/4/1891
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lawyer; Senior Partner, Smith and Parsons Law Firm/Former Lecturer on Constitutional Law and Law of Evidence; Howard University, 3 years/Former Academy Principal, Worcester, Massachusetts
Party: Republican
  • Insurance
  • Judiciary
  • Soldiers Home
  • Ways and Means

Articles & Books About

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.