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Sheardown, Samuel B. "S.B."

House 1862 (District 11); Senate 1869 (District 11); House 1881-82 (District 8)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Winona


Date of Birth: ??/??/1825 (uncertain)
Birth Place: New York
Birth County:
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: ??/??/1889
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names: S.B.
City of Residence (when first elected): Stockton
Occupation (when first elected): Physician




Spouse: Married; Widower (first listed in 1881)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He came to Minnesota in 1855.

The St. Paul newspaper traditionally listed members who won the election with party affiliation (Democrat or Republican). In 1862 they only identified the Democrats, the assumption is that the rest were Republicans. Since he wasn't identified as a Democrat, the assumption is that he was a Republican. (St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat, January 7, 1862)

Total Days Served: 1456


22nd Legislative Session (1881-1882)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 08
Elected: 11/2/1880
Residence: Stockton
Term of Office: 1/4/1881 to 1/1/1883
Counties Represented: Winona
Occupation: Physician
Party: Not Available
  • Education
  • Hospital for the Insane
  • Soldiers Orphans (Chair)

11th Legislative Session (1869)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 11
Elected: 11/3/1868
Residence: Stockton
Term of Office: 1/5/1869 to 1/3/1870 (Special Election)
Counties Represented: Winona
Occupation: Physician
Party: Republican
  • Education
  • Military Affairs
  • Public Lands (Chair)
Session Notes: His official term start date is uncertain due to the special election. The date listed is the first day of the 1869 session. His election date is uncertain. He was elected to fill out the rest of Benjamin Franklin's term, after he died. The date listed is the same date as the 1868 election.

4th Legislative Session (1862)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 11
Elected: 10/8/1861
Residence: Stockton
Term of Office: 1/7/1862 to 1/5/1863
Counties Represented: Winona
Occupation: Physician
Party: Republican Party Notes: The St. Paul newspaper traditionally listed members who won the election with party affiliation (Democrat or Republican). In 1862 they only identified the Democrats, the assumption is that the rest were Republicans. Since he wasn't identified as a Democrat, the assumption is that he was a Republican. (St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat, January 7, 1862)
  • Printing
  • Public Lands (Chair)
  • Railroads
  • Ways and Means
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.