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Robertson, Daniel A. "D.A."

House 1859-60 (District 2)

Party when first elected:  Democratic

Counties Served:  Ramsey


Date of Birth: 5/13/1812 (uncertain)
Birth Place: Pictou, Nova Scotia
Birth County:
Birth Country: Canada
Date of Death: ??/??/1895
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names: D.A.
City of Residence (when first elected): Saint Paul
Occupation (when first elected): Laborer/Former Lawyer/Former Editor; Cincinnatti Enquirer and Mount Vernon Banner Newspapers, Ohio/Founder, Minnesota Democrat Newspaper


Studied Law; Admitted to Practice in New York, 1839


U.S. Executive Branch: United States Marshals Service, District of Ohio (United States Marshal); 18?? to 1850
Territorial Government: Ohio Constitutional Convention; 18?? to 18??
Military: (Colonel); 18?? to 18??
Municipal Mayor: St. Paul, Minnesota (City Mayor); 1859 to 1860
School Board/Administration: St. Paul, Minnesota (Board of Education); 1862 to 1869
County Government: Ramsey County, Minnesota (County Sheriff); 1862 to 1870


Spouse: Married
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He was of Highland Scottish descent.

His party affiliation was provided by Minnesota in Three Centuries.

"I was a Republican member of the House, having been elected from St. Paul in the Second representative district. My colleagues from that district were Henry Acker, John B. Oliver, Oscar Stephenson, George Mitsch, and D. A. Robertson. Mr. Acker and myself were the only two Republicans in the House from Ramsey." (Sanborn, Gen. John B. "The Work of the Second Legislature, 1859-60." Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul: the Society, 1905, Vol. 10, Part 2, p. 621)

He moved to St. Paul, Minnesota in the fall of 1850.

There is conflicting information about his birth place. It is alternately listed as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Total Days Served: 398


2nd Legislative Session (1859-1860)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 02
Elected: 10/11/1859
Residence: Saint Paul
Term of Office: 12/7/1859 to 1/7/1861
Counties Represented: Ramsey
Occupation: Laborer/Former Lawyer/Former Editor; Cincinnatti Enquirer and Mount Vernon Banner Newspapers, Ohio/Founder, Minnesota Democrat Newspaper
Party: Democratic Party Notes: His party affiliation was provided by Minnesota in Three Centuries. "I was a Republican member of the House, having been elected from St. Paul in the Second representative district. My colleagues from that district were Henry Acker, John B. Oliver, Oscar Stephenson, George Mitsch, and D. A. Robertson. Mr. Acker and myself were the only two Republicans in the House from Ramsey." (Sanborn, Gen. John B. "The Work of the Second Legislature, 1859-60." Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul: the Society, 1905, Vol. 10, Part 2, p. 621)
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