Katherine Norton (married in 1860)
Seven children: Jennie, Mary, Margaret
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
He came to Minnesota in 1855.
He was listed as a Democrat on the list of members posted after the 1877 election. ("The Next Legislature." St. Paul Pioneer Press, November 10, 1877)
Toensing lists 1832 as his birth year but other sources list 1833 and 1834.
"He was educated in the old country; removed to the United States and settled in Pennsylvania, 1852. In 1855, he removed to Rochester, this State, and in 1860 to his present abiding place." (Daily Globe (St. Paul), February 8, 1879)
"Although a Democrat, [he] was elected to the Senate from a strong Republican district, after a hot campaign, and in the face of bitter opposition, by a square vote and thirty-four majoirity, aginst the Hon. James Mc Hench, the regular Republican nominee. (Daily Globe (St. Paul), February 8, 1879)
Senator Rahilly is the largest farmer in Southern Minnesota. At his home place he cultivates 1,700 acres, and he owns on the St. Paul & Pacific railroad 10,000 acres beside, where he has already made improvements, and will immediately put a large portion of it under cultivation. (Daily Globe (St. Paul), February 8, 1879)
"In 1875 he was his party's candidate for state auditor but met with defeat because of the overwhelming republican plurality at that time in the state He has the distinction however of being the only democrat elected to the State Senate from Wabasha County " (Minnesota: Special Limited Edition, Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1915)