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Munch, Emil D.

House 1861 (District 2)

Party when first elected:  Not Available

Counties Served:  Chisago, Kanabec, Pine, Washington


Date of Birth: ??/??/1831
Birth Place: ,
Birth County:
Birth Country: Prussia
Date of Death: 8/30/1887
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Chengwatana
Occupation (when first elected): Lumberman



Military: 1st Minnesota Battery and Veteran Reserve Corps (United States Civil War and Sioux Indian Conflict, Wounded at the Battle of Shiloh, Fought at the Battle of Corinth, Captain; Division Chief of Artillery, Resigned October 1862, Due to Impaired Health); 1861 to 10/186?
State Treasurer/Office: Minnesota State Treasurer; 01/10/1868 to 01/1872


Spouse: Single
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He came to America in 1849. He moved to Taylor's Falls, Minnesota in 1852. He moved to Pine County, Minnesota in 1857.

"Emil Munch, a native of Prussia, came to America in 1849, when eighteen years of age, and three years later located at Taylor's Falls where he worked at the carpenter's trade until 1857, when he removed to Pine County and commenced dealing in pine lands and lumbering. He enlisted in the latter part of 1861 in the First Minnesota Battery and was chosen Captain. He was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh, took part in the Battle of Corinth and was appointed Division Chief of Artillery, which position he was forced to resign in October, 1862, on account of impaired health. He re-entered the service to fight the Sioux Indians and afterwards entered the Veteran Reserve Corps. At the close of the war he settled in St. Paul and in 1868 was elected State Tresaurer holding that aoffice until 1872. He removed to Lakeland and in 1875 became a resident of Afton. (Minnesota in Three Centuries, 1908)

Total Days Served: 364


3rd Legislative Session (1861)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 02
Elected: 11/6/1860
Residence: Chengwatana
Term of Office: 1/8/1861 to 1/6/1862
Counties Represented: Chisago, Kanabec, Pine, Washington
Occupation: Lumberman
Party: Not Available
  • Emigration (Chair)
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.