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Morrison, Dorilus

Senate 1864-65 (District 5)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Hennepin


Date of Birth: 12/27/1814 (uncertain)
Birth Place: Livermore, Maine
Birth County: Oxford
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 6/26/1897
Gender: Male
Religion: Universalist
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Minneapolis
Occupation (when first elected): Lumberman


Common Schools; Elementary School;
Redfield Academy, Maine; Secondary;


Municipal Mayor: Minneapolis, Minnesota (He was the first one when it was incorporated as a city); 1867 to 1868
Municipal Mayor: Minneapolis, Minnesota (City Mayor); 1869 to 1870 [Elected]
School Board/Administration: Minneapolis, Minnesota (Board of Education, Member); 1871 to 1873 [Elected]
School Board/Administration: Minneapolis, Minnesota (Board of Education, Member and President); 1878 to 1881 [Elected]
Municipal Board/Commission: Minneapolis, Minnesota (Park Board Commissioner); 1883 to 18?? [Elected]


Spouse: Harriet K. Whittemore or Whitmore (married in 1840; she died in 1881 in Vienna, Austria while on a trip); A.G. Clagstone (remarried)
Children: Three children (with Harriet): George H., and Clinton (sons); Grace (daughter)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
William Drew Washburn, Sr.  - Cousin
William Drew Washburn, Jr.  - First Cousin Once Removed


Toensing lists his birth year as 1816. Minnesota in Three Centuries, 1908 says he was 40 years old in 1854. Progressive Men of Minnesota and his obituary in the Minneapolis Tribune list December 27, 1814. His tombstone lists December 26, 1814.

Most sources list his death year as 1897. The City of Minneapolis' web site, "Past and Present Mayors," lists his death date as February 12, 1897. His tombstone lists June 26, 1898. His obituary in the Minneapolis Tribune was written on June 28, 1897 indicating that he died on June 26, 1897.

He was of Scottish ancestry.

He went to Bangor, Maine in 1842. He came to Minnesota in spring 1854, returned to Maine, then settled in St. Anthony, Minnesota in spring 1855.

"In his politics Mr. Morrison has always been a staunch Republican." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897, p. 459)

He ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1872.

Dorilus Morrison Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota was named after him. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts was built on the land where his home had been.

He died at home in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was buried in Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He was a supporter of the Church of the Redeemer.

Religion provided by Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897.

Total Days Served: 728


7th Legislative Session (1865)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 05
Elected: 11/3/1863
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1864 to 1/1/1866
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lumberman
Party: Republican Party Notes: "In his politics Mr. Morrison has always been a staunch Republican." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897, p. 459)
  • Elections
  • Military Affairs (Chair)
  • Railroads

6th Legislative Session (1864)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 05
Elected: 11/3/1863
Residence: Minneapolis
Term of Office: 1/5/1864 to 1/1/1866
Counties Represented: Hennepin
Occupation: Lumberman
Party: Republican Party Notes: "In his politics Mr. Morrison has always been a staunch Republican." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897, p. 459)
  • Elections
  • Military Affairs
  • Railroads
  • State Prison (Chair)

Articles & Books About

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

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