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Langworthy, Benjamin Franklin "B.F."

House 1859-60 (District 13)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Dodge, Mower


Date of Birth: 1/20/1822
Birth Place: Lexington, Ohio
Birth County: Richland
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: 1/23/1907
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names: B.F.
City of Residence (when first elected): Grand Meadow
Occupation (when first elected): Farmer


Mansfield Elementary Schools, Ohio ; Elementary School; 1827-1834
Academy, Bureau County, Illinois; Secondary; 4 Years


Military: 14th Regiment, Minnesota Militia, Mower County (Close of the War of the Rebellion, Colonel); 186? to 18??


Spouse: Sarah Melissa Clemans (married on August 29, 1849)
Children: Two children: Emma Charlotte (daughter), Forrest Edward (born after he left office, son)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He was of English ancestry.

He was born near Lexington, Ohio. He moved to Bureau County, Illinois in June 1834. He came to Minnesota in August 1856.

His party affiliation was provided by his great great granddaughter.

He and his son established the Grand Meadow Mercury newspaper in 1880. They moved it to Austin, Minnesota, then Spring Valley, Minnesota where it became the Spring Valley Mercury newspaper.

He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity.

He died in Red Rock Township, Mower County, Minnesota. He was buried in Tanner Cemetery, three miles east of Brownsdale, Minnesota.

His first name, middle name, birth date, death date, death year, death place, burial place, education, family data, and military service were provided by his great great granddaughter.

Total Days Served: 398


2nd Legislative Session (1859-1860)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 13
Elected: 10/11/1859
Residence: Grand Meadow
Term of Office: 12/7/1859 to 1/7/1861
Counties Represented: Dodge, Mower
Occupation: Farmer
Party: Republican Party Notes: His party affiliation was provided by his great great granddaughter.
  • Capitol and Capitol Lands (Chair)
  • Currency
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.


B.F. Langworthy, 1859 1859. Photo credit: