Pennsylvania Common Schools; Elementary School;
New York Common Schools; Elementary School;
Arcade Academy, New York; Secondary; One Winter Term
Oberlin College, Ohio; Attended College;
2nd Illinois Cavalry, Company A; 71st Illinois Infantry; and 93rd Infantry Volunteers (United States Civil War/War of the Rebellion, Siege of Vicksburg, Wounded in the Battle of Mission Ridge; Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant-Major, Adjutant);
07/24/1861 to 02/28/1864
County Government:
Hennepin County, Minnesota (County Sheriff; First Appointed, Then Elected);
12/1867 to 1871
State Board/Commission/Council:
Minnesota Soldiers' Orphans Home Board (Trustee and President, Appointed by Governor Marshall);
1869 to 187?
Minneapolis, Minnesota (City Justice);
1871 to 1874
Distirct Court, Hennepin County, Minnesota (District Court Judge);
1887 to 01/1895