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Graves, Charles Hinman "C.H."

Senate 1873-76 (District 29); House 1889-90 (District 46)

Party when first elected:  Republican

Counties Served:  Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis, Wadena


Date of Birth: 8/14/1839 (uncertain)
Birth Place: Springfield, Massachusetts
Birth County:
Birth Country: United States
Date of Death: ??/??/1928
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names: C.H.
City of Residence (when first elected): Duluth
Occupation (when first elected): Merchant, Mercantile Business


Springfield Common Schools, Massachusetts; Elementary School;
Litchfield Academy, Massachusetts; Secondary;


Municipal Mayor: Duluth, Minnesota (City Mayor, 2 terms); 18?? to 18??
Military: United States Union Army/40th New York Volunteers (United States Civil War; Numerous Battles Including Potomac, Army of the James, Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fredericksburg, and Wounded at Gettysburg; Many Ranks Including 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Colonel); 06/1861 to 1866
Military: United States Regular Army (General Terry's Staff, Stationed in Minnesota, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel); 1866 to 1870


Spouse: Single (when first elected); E. Grace Totten (married in 1873)
Children: No children
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:


He was of English ancestry.

Toensing lists his birth year as 1838. The Fifteenth Legislature of Minnesota, St. Paul: Press Printing Company, 1873; and the Minnesota Legislative Manual, 1889 list 1839. The Minnesota Legislative Manual, 1875 lists him as being 36 years old.

He came to St. Paul, Minnesota in 1866. He moved to Duluth, Minnesota in 1869.

"Was elected mayor of Duluth for two terms by the Republicans of that city..." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)

"Mr. Graves was delegate-at-large to the National Republican Convention of 1888,...and has been prominent in the republican party of the state since 1875." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)

His party affiliation when first elected was provided by The Fifteenth Legislature of Minnesota, 1873.

He was severely wounded in the battle at Gettysburg.

Total Days Served: 2184


26th Legislative Session (1889-1890)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 46
Elected: 11/6/1888
Residence: Duluth
Term of Office: 1/7/1889 to 1/4/1891
Counties Represented: Aitkin, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis, Wadena
Occupation: Merchant
Party: Republican Party Notes: "Mr. Graves was delegate-at-large to the National Republican Convention of 1888,...and has been prominent in the republican party of the state since 1875." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)
Leadership Position: Speaker of the House

18th Legislative Session (1876)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 29
Elected: 11/3/1874
Residence: Duluth
Term of Office: 1/5/1875 to 1/1/1877
Counties Represented: Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis
Occupation: Merchant
Party: Republican Party Notes: "Mr. Graves was delegate-at-large to the National Republican Convention of 1888,...and has been prominent in the republican party of the state since 1875." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)
  • Corporations (Chair)
  • Joint Apportionment (Chair)
  • Military Affairs
  • Railroads
  • Soldiers Orphans (Chair)

17th Legislative Session (1875)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 29
Elected: 11/3/1874
Residence: Duluth
Term of Office: 1/5/1875 to 1/1/1877
Counties Represented: Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis
Occupation: Merchant
Party: Republican Party Notes: "Mr. Graves was delegate-at-large to the National Republican Convention of 1888,...and has been prominent in the republican party of the state since 1875." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897)
  • Corporations (Chair)
  • Education (Chair)
  • Military Affairs
  • Railroads
  • Soldiers Orphans
  • Towns and Counties

16th Legislative Session (1874)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 29
Elected: 11/5/1872
Residence: Duluth
Term of Office: 1/7/1873 to 1/4/1875
Counties Represented: Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis
Occupation: Merchant
Party: Not Available
  • Education (Chair)
  • Railroads
  • Soldiers Orphans
  • Towns and Counties

15th Legislative Session (1873)

  Session Details
Body: Senate
District: 29
Elected: 11/5/1872
Residence: Duluth
Term of Office: 1/7/1873 to 1/4/1875
Counties Represented: Carlton, Cass, Itasca, Lake, St. Louis
Occupation: Merchant, Mercantile Business
Party: Republican Party Notes: His party affiliation was provided by The Fifteenth Legislature of Minnesota, 1873.
  • Railroads
  • Retrenchment
  • Towns and Counties (Chair)

Articles & Books About

These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.