House 1893-96 (District 15)
Party when first elected: Republican
Counties Served: Winona
Rock Island Public Schools, Illinois; Elementary School; Rock Island High School, Illinois; Secondary; Burnham's American Business College, Hudson, New York; Postsecondary; GraduateKnox College, Galesburg, Illinois; Attended College; 2 yearsAugustana College, Rock Island, Illinois; LL.D.; 1905Cornell College, Iowa; LL.D.; 1904
Spouse: Ruth Hall (married December 7, 1868) Children: Three children: Grant Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
He was of Dutch ancestry.He came to Winona, Minnesota in the spring of 1883."Mr. Van Sant has always been a Republican, has taken an active interest in public affairs." (Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897, p. 373)He was a member of the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias, Elks, Red Men, Modern Woodmen of America, and the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR).Religion provided by Progressive Men of Minnesota, 1897.