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Quist, Allen J.

House 1983-88 (District 23B)

Party when first elected:  Independent Republican

Counties Served:  Blue Earth, Brown, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Renville


Date of Birth: 10/14/1944
Birth Place: ,
Birth County:
Birth Country:
Date of Death:
Gender: Male
Reported Minority: None Reported
Other Names:
City of Residence (when first elected): Saint Peter
Occupation (when first elected): Farmer/College Professor


Bethany Lutheran College; A.A.;
Gustavus Adolphus College; B.A.; Psychology
Bethany Lutheran Seminary; B.D.;
Mankato State University; M.A.;



Spouse: Diane (first wife, died in a car accident while he was in office, Dec. 1986); Widower; Julie Morse Quist (second wife, married in the summer of 1987)
Children: Ten children: Emily, Lisa, Laurie, Andrew, Nathan, Katie, Marissa, Tricia, and Julie (with his first wife); Daniel (son with his second wife)
Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
Steven Morse  - Brother-in-Law


He unsuccessfully sought the Republican party endorsement to run for the 1st Congressional District seat in the United States House of Representatives in the 2012 election. He lost the endorsement to Mike Parry, ran in the primary without endorsement, and won the primary election. He lost the general election.

He sought the Republican Party endorsement to run for the United States House of Representatives in Minnesota's 1st Congressional District in the 2010 primary election. He lost the endorsement to Randy Demmer.

He ran as the Independent Republican endorsed candidate for Minnesota Governor in the 1994 primary election. He lost the primary election to Arne Carlson.

He also ran for the Independent Republican endorsement for Minnesota Governor in 1998.

Total Days Served: 2191


75th Legislative Session (1987-1988)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 23B
Elected: 11/4/1986
Residence: Saint Peter
Term of Office: 1/5/1987 to 1/1/1989
Counties Represented: Blue Earth, Brown, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Renville
Occupation: Farmer/Author/Former Professor of Psychology, Bethany Lutheran College
Party: Independent Republican
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture: International Trade, Farm Commodities, Agri-Business and Marketing
  • Future and Technology
  • Future and Technology: Biotechnology
  • Future and Technology: Futurist
  • General Legislation, Veterans Affairs and Gaming
  • General Legislation, Veterans Affairs and Gaming: Elections
  • General Legislation, Veterans Affairs and Gaming: Veterans Affairs and Miscellaneous Legislation
  • Health and Human Services
  • Health and Human Services: Social Services
  • Judiciary
  • Judiciary: Civil Law

74th Legislative Session (1985-1986)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 23B
Elected: 11/6/1984
Residence: Saint Peter
Term of Office: 1/7/1985 to 1/4/1987
Counties Represented: Blue Earth, Brown, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Renville
Occupation: Farmer
Party: Independent Republican
  • Agriculture
  • Agriculture: Agricultural Land Use
  • Health and Human Services
  • Health and Human Services: Social Services (Chair)
  • Judiciary
  • Taxes

73rd Legislative Session (1983-1984)

  Session Details
Body: House
District: 23B
Elected: 11/2/1982
Residence: Saint Peter
Term of Office: 1/3/1983 to 1/6/1985
Counties Represented: Blue Earth, Brown, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Renville
Occupation: Farmer/College Professor
Party: Independent Republican
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Energy: Energy and Economics
  • Health and Welfare
  • Health and Welfare: Social Services
These files are available in the Legislative Reference Library.

The Library maintains newspaper clippings on individual legislators during their terms. Clippings are available from 1973 to the present in a variety of formats: 1973-1999, microfiche available at the Library; 2000-2009, scanned in yearly compilations and digitally available on the legislative network; 2009-present, archived in a searchable database maintained by the Library and available on the legislative network.