House 1995-2002 (District 16B); House 2003-2006 (District 15A); House 2015-2018 (District 14B)
Party when first elected: Independent Republican
Counties Served: Benton, Sherburne, Stearns
St. Cloud Apollo High School; Secondary; C.P.A.; St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota; B.S.; Economics and Business AdministrationHarvard University; M.B.A.; Georgetown University; M.A.; American Government, 1980s
Spouse: Janet Children: Two children: Daniel (son), Laura Ellen (daughter, born while he was in office) Family Members Who Have Served in the Minnesota Legislature:
He sought and lost the Republican party endorsement to Michele Bachmann for the 6th Congressional House District in May 2006.He suspended his campaign for re-election in September, 2018. He was on the ballot in November 2018 and was defeated in the general election.Religion provided by Politics in Minnesota the Directory, 2005-2006.