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Number of Bills Introduced and Laws Passed in the Minnesota Legislature, 1849-present

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Compiled from statistical summaries by House Index Dept., session laws, journals, and other sources. Please report any errors to the library staff.

The number of laws passed is the number of laws passed with or without the governor's signature; it does not include bills that were sent to the governor and vetoed in full. The number Includes bills that contain line item vetoes. Vetoed laws that were overridden are counted. See separate veto information. The number of resolutions passed does not include bills that were sent to the governor and vetoed in full.

Prior to 1989, bills passed by the legislature and sent to the governor were assigned a chapter number by the Secretary of State when filed with the secretary's office. Minnesota Laws 1988 chapter 479 instructs the revisor of statutes to assign a chapter number to each bill at the time of its enrollment for presentment to the governor. Before 1989, the number of chapters in Laws of Minnesota will generally match the number of laws passed in this list. Beginning in 1989, the number of laws passed generally will be the number of chapters in Laws of Minnesota less the number of bills vetoed in full.

Where the number of bills introduced is not given (between 1852 and 1860) it is because this information was not readily available from indexes to the journals.

The total number of laws passed may also vary because chapter numbers were not assigned. In 1856, the total number of laws passed (165) is one less than the last chaptered number in the session laws because one chapter is missing; the missing chapter is either chapter 161 or 162. In 1858, the total number of laws passed (325) is two less than the last chaptered number in the session laws because there were no chapters 125 or 126. In 1878, the total number of laws passed (385) is one less than the last numbered chapter in the session laws because there was no chapter numbered 29. In 1977, the total number of laws passed (454) is one less than the last numbered chapter (455) in the session laws because there was no chapter numbered 357. In 1981, the total number of laws passed (369) is one fewer than the last numbered chapter (370) because there was no chapter numbered 154. In 1997, the total number of laws passed (235) is several less than the last numbered chapter (251) because there was no chapter numbered 14 and because there were 15 full vetoes. In 1998, the total number of laws passed (145) is several fewer than the last numbered chapter (408 less the 251 laws passed in 1997 is 157) because there was no chapter numbered 377 and because there were 11 full vetoes.  In 2010, the total number of laws passed is one less than the last chaptered law less the laws chaptered in 2009 (179) less the 18 full vetoes because chapter 393 didn't actually pass.

By Year
YearSessionHouse IntroductionsSenate IntroductionsTotal IntroductionsLaws EnactedResolutions Enacted
2025 94th Legislature Introduction of House Files Introduction of Senate Files 0 Session Laws
2024 93rd Legislature 2146 2172 4318 52 0
2023 93rd Legislature 3342 3363 6705 74 1
2022 92nd Legislature 2252 2038 4290 68
2021 92nd Legislature, 2021 1st Special Session 69 71 140 14
2021 92nd Legislature 2653 2572 5225 31
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 7th Special Session 45 31 76 2
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 6th Special Session 22 8 30 0
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 5th Special Session 45 40 85 4
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 4th Special Session 34 19 53 0 0
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 3rd Special Session 29 24 53 2
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session 99 68 167 2
2020 91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session 170 165 335 10
2020 91st Legislature 1774 1708 3482 53
2019 91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session 17 14 31 13
2019 91st Legislature 2921 2925 5846 65
2018 90th Legislature 1820 1673 3493 100
2017 90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session 8 4 12 7 0
2017 90th Legislature 2722 2443 5165 82 0
2016 89th Legislature 1653 1415 3068 107 0
2015 89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session 18 15 33 6 0
2015 89th Legislature 2379 2226 4605 77 0
2014 88th Legislature 1534 1309 2843 168 0
2013 88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session 20 33 53 1 0
2013 88th Legislature 1862 1683 3545 144 0
2012 87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session 3 3 6 2 0
2012 87th Legislature 1291 1148 2439 150 0
2011 87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session 27 21 48 12 0
2011 87th Legislature 1761 1477 3238 94 0
2010 86th Legislature, 2010 2nd Special Session 7 6 13 1 0
2010 86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session 2 2 4 1 0
2010 86th Legislature 1457 1264 2721 201 4
2009 86th Legislature 2407 2166 4573 157 0
2008 85th Legislature 1704 1532 3236 192 0
2007 85th Legislature, 2007 1st Special Session 3 3 6 2 0
2007 85th Legislature 2552 2363 4915 138 0
2006 84th Legislature 1661 1482 3143 113 0
2005 84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session 141 107 248 8 0
2005 84th Legislature 2562 2340 4902 164 0
2004 83rd Legislature 1554 1497 3051 159 1
2003 83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session 70 47 117 23 0
2003 83rd Legislature 1658 1576 3234 131 0
2002 82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session 14 9 23 3 0
2002 82nd Legislature 1176 1075 2251 183 2
2001 82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session 35 36 71 12 0
2001 82nd Legislature 2565 2407 4972 208 5
2000 81st Legislature 1706 1550 3256 244 2
1999 81st Legislature 2475 2285 4760 245 3
1998 80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session 6 8 14 3 0
1998 80th Legislature 1629 1422 3051 145 4
1997 80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session 36 26 62 3 1
1997 80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session 5 9 14 3 0
1997 80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session 1 9 10 5 0
1997 80th Legislature 2255 2003 4258 235 4
1996 79th Legislature 1294 1104 2398 187 1
1995 79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session 5 8 13 3 0
1995 79th Legislature 1999 1788 3787 252 3
1994 78th Legislature, 1994 1st Special Session 1 1 2 1 0
1994 78th Legislature 1443 1259 2702 256 1
1993 78th Legislature, 1993 1st Special Session 3 7 10 6 0
1993 78th Legislature 1801 1675 3476 350 3
1992 77th Legislature 1329 1208 2537 233 2
1991 77th Legislature 1725 1595 3320 344 8
1990 76th Legislature 1032 977 2009 255 1
1989 76th Legislature, 1989 1st Special Session 25 11 36 2 0
1989 76th Legislature 1801 1665 3466 353 6
1988 75th Legislature 1144 1031 2175 315 6
1987 75th Legislature, 1987 1st Special Session 6 7 13 5 0
1987 75th Legislature 1688 1553 3241 405 10
1986 74th Legislature, 1986 1st Special Session 3 2 5 3 0
1986 74th Legislature 890 755 1645 166 2
1985 74th Legislature, 1985 1st Special Session 18 31 49 18 2
1985 74th Legislature 1692 1567 3259 309 5
1984 73rd Legislature 976 901 1877 283 11
1983 73rd Legislature 1369 1321 2690 375 11
1982 72nd Legislature, 1982 3rd Special Session 4 2 6 1 0
1982 72nd Legislature, 1982 2nd Special Session 2 6 8 2 0
1982 72nd Legislature, 1982 1st Special Session 2 5 7 3 0
1982 72nd Legislature 757 761 1518 272 5
1981 72nd Legislature, 1981 3rd Special Session 24 28 52 3 0
1981 72nd Legislature, 1981 2nd Special Session 10 10 20 6 1
1981 72nd Legislature, 1981 1st Special Session 4 2 6 5 0
1981 72nd Legislature 1540 1476 3016 369 3
1980 71st Legislature 859 839 1698 278 0
1979 71st Legislature, 1979 1st Special Session 1 3 4 3 0
1979 71st Legislature 1643 1600 3243 340 3
1978 70th Legislature 837 843 1680 342 2
1977 70th Legislature 1701 1567 3268 454 1
1976 69th Legislature 842 812 1654 348 2
1975 69th Legislature 1861 1782 3643 437 0
1974 68th Legislature 1145 1057 2202 583 2
1973 68th Legislature 2585 2528 5113 783 8
1971 67th Legislature, 1971 Extra Session 287 215 502 48 1
1971 67th Legislature 3195 2817 6012 966 5
1969 66th Legislature 3094 2682 5776 1159 8
1967 65th Legislature, 1967 Extra Session 88 81 169 60 0
1967 65th Legislature 2655 2360 5015 909 9
1966 64th Legislature, 1966 Extra Session 11 7 18 1 0
1965 64th Legislature 2249 2083 4332 903 5
1963 63rd Legislature 2010 1893 3903 888 7
1961 62nd Legislature, 1961 2nd Extra Session 35 18 53 3 0
1961 62nd Legislature, 1961 Extra Session 294 255 549 100 0
1961 62nd Legislature 1948 1801 3749 757 8
1959 61st Legislature, 1959 Extra Session 211 202 413 90 2
1959 61st Legislature 1895 1676 3571 703 8
1958 60th Legislature, 1958 Extra Session 15 9 24 3 1
1957 60th Legislature, 1957 Extra Session 12 20 32 22 0
1957 60th Legislature 2097 1917 4014 964 15
1955 59th Legislature, 1955 Extra Session 4 8 12 6 0
1955 59th Legislature 1869 1638 3507 882 8
1953 58th Legislature 1940 1739 3679 762 2
1951 57th Legislature, 1951 Extra Session 4 0 4 4 0
1951 57th Legislature 1751 1545 3296 725 12
1949 56th Legislature 1839 1665 3504 747 18
1947 55th Legislature 1587 1422 3009 642 24
1945 54th Legislature 1412 1349 2761 615 18
1944 53rd Legislature, 1944 Extra Session 8 4 12 2 2
1943 53rd Legislature 1462 1320 2782 666 12
1941 52nd Legislature 1622 1435 3057 555 7
1939 51st Legislature 1623 1467 3090 447 28
1937 50th Legislature, 1937 Extra Session 289 196 485 98 1
1937 50th Legislature 1772 1535 3307 493 22
1936 49th Legislature, 1936 2nd Extra Session 12 10 22 3 3
1936 49th Legislature, 1936 Extra Session 381 306 687 115 7
1935 49th Legislature 1799 1690 3489 394 23
1934 48th Legislature, 1934 Extra Session 290 233 523 83 11
1933 48th Legislature 2026 1748 3774 444 24
1931 47th Legislature 1544 1372 2916 420 19
1929 46th Legislature 1353 1247 2600 434 21
1927 45th Legislature 1384 1286 2670 446 16
1925 44th Legislature 1487 1310 2797 429 17
1923 43rd Legislature 1398 1206 2604 451 17
1921 42nd Legislature 1189 1047 2236 529 14
1919 41st Legislature, 1919 Extra Session 162 142 304 65 5
1919 41st Legislature 1250 1059 2309 533 14
1917 40th Legislature 1285 1029 2314 515 4
1916 39th Legislature, 1916 Special Session 2 3 5 3 0
1915 39th Legislature 1183 921 2104 386 5
1913 38th Legislature 1249 978 2227 594 13
1912 37th Legislature, 1912 Special Session 37 15 52 14 4
1911 37th Legislature 1162 926 2088 395 11
1909 36th Legislature 1194 826 2020 511 19
1907 35th Legislature 1210 916 2126 480 3
1905 34th Legislature 888 524 1412 351 0
1903 33rd Legislature 915 583 1498 412 0
1902 32nd Legislature, 1902 Extra Session 120 111 231 98 6
1901 32nd Legislature 737 553 1290 398 9
1899 31st Legislature 687 677 1364 380 4
1897 30th Legislature 1033 680 1713 396 0
1895 29th Legislature 886 746 1632 410 15
1893 28th Legislature 909 578 1487 257 15
1891 27th Legislature 1265 885 2150 680 13
1889 26th Legislature 1329 662 1991 875 6
1887 25th Legislature 994 680 1674 664 15
1885 24th Legislature 734 578 1312 607 6
1883 23rd Legislature 538 459 997 499 16
1881 22nd Legislature, 1881 Extra Session 334 207 541 335 2
1881 22nd Legislature 688 393 1081 605 13
1879 21st Legislature 558 500 1058 489 17
1878 20th Legislature 484 378 862 385 13
1877 19th Legislature 452 382 834 427 24
1876 18th Legislature 408 439 847 365 32
1875 17th Legislature 399 381 780 378 20
1874 16th Legislature 405 369 774 316 36
1873 15th Legislature 418 265 683 345 17
1872 14th Legislature 458 285 743 335 0
1871 13th Legislature 291 204 495 276 6
1870 12th Legislature 321 247 568 272 10
1869 11th Legislature 235 271 506 245 2
1868 10th Legislature 232 274 506 274 13
1867 9th Legislature 275 253 528 280 0
1866 8th Legislature 250 206 456 185 7
1865 7th Legislature 256 140 396 196 7
1864 6th Legislature 200 177 377 176 7
1863 5th Legislature 192 126 318 137 17
1862 4th Legislature, 1862 Extra Session 43 26 69 31 3
1862 4th Legislature 213 171 384 170 2
1861 3rd Legislature 174 186 360 143 6
1860 2nd Legislature 246 246 177 5
1858 1st Legislature 0 325 11
1857 8th Territorial Legislature, 1857 Extra Session 0 100 1
1857 8th Territorial Legislature 0 77 4
1856 7th Territorial Legislature 0 165 9
1855 6th Territorial Legislature 0 69 2
1854 5th Territorial Legislature 53 50 103 53 4
1853 4th Territorial Legislature 42 25 67 113 3
1852 3rd Territorial Legislature 23 23 44 1
1851 2nd Territorial Legislature 29 21 50 23 0
1849 1st Territorial Legislature 57 31 88 73 10