This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
Minnesota Senate Budget Discussion - Solving the Budget Problem Together

Minnesota Senate Budget Discussion

Solving the Budget Problem Together


Technical Feedback For This Website

Thank you for visiting this website and participating in these discussions.  This particular forum is a space for you to give feedback on the format and design of this website.  Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.

How could this website be more helpful for you?  Are there resource links we could add to the right sidebar?  Is there a budget topic area that we could add to the discussion?  Is there a definition that we could add to our glossary of terms?



General State Budget

Readers suggested that we create a space for people to propose budget ideas that do not neatly fit into one of the existing budget categories.  This area can be a space for you to think creatively about budget ideas that impact more than one traditional budget area. 


If, however, you have a list of ideas that would fit within the other budget articles, your ideas would have more impact if you made multiple entries in multiple categories.  Each of the other budget articles in this website relate directly to a Senate Budget Division committee, and the ideas posted in those articles are specifically brought to the attention of the Senators who serve on those committees.


Feel free to reference research you have read or similar ideas being enacted in other states.  These citations will help the committees prepare effective legislation.


Thank you for your ideas!