Energy, Planning and Development Department
Active dates:1981-1983
Function: The Department's mission is to plan, coordinate, and implement strategies to preserve and develop Minnesota's energy, economic, physical, and human resources.
"As the 1981 session of the Minnesota Legislature examined the budgets for the State Planning Agency, Minnesota Energy Agency, Crime Control Planning Board, and Department of Economic Development, it became evident that the funding reductions being considered for these agencies would severely hamper their effectiveness. A proposal to merge the staff and resources of the agencies was introduced during the final weeks of the session and was supported by the governor and legislative leaders. The similar duties and responsibilities of the agencies were recognized: long-range strategic planning, research and technical staffs, services to local governments, and the promotion of economic development and tourism.
Legislation enacting the reorganization was passed on May 16, 1981 in an appropriations bill funding state departments for the 1981-1983 biennium. The provisions concerning the merger were brief: all powers, duties and functions of the four agencies were transferred to the new department; a new commissioner of the EPD was established and assumes the powers and duties previously vested in the directors of SPA, MEA, and CCPB and in the commissioner of DED; and the merger was effective when the EPD commissioner, who was to be appointed July 1, 1981, notified the commissioner of administration that EPD was ready to begin operations, with the exception that the MEA was to be transferred on March 1, 1982.
On September 1, the department's work program and budget for fiscal year 1982 was presented to the finance and appropriations committees of the Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives. EPD officially began operations on October 1, and the reorganization was completed on March 1, 1982 with the incorporation of the Energy Agency into the department."
-From "Biennial Report: Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development," November 1982. For the complete report, please see the report section below.
In 1983, the legislature establishes the Department of Energy and Economic Development in Laws of Minnesota 1983, chapter 289, section 40. This newly-named department replaces the Department of Energy, Planning and Development.
Commissioner: Kent E. Eklund, July 1, 1981-
Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
News clippings and documents: Commissioner of the Energy, Planning, and Development Department. Agencies Notebook Collection, 1981-1984.
News clippings and documents: Energy, Planning, and Development Department. Agencies Notebook Collection, 1974-1983.
Record last updated:
All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These
materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.