Drainage Commission
Active dates:1897-1919
Function: The function of the commission was to supervise all contracts for drainage work authorized by the legislature. It also supervised all the state drainage ditches, inspected the ditches annually, and reported their condition to the counties in which they were located. Details of ditch survey, authorization, and construction procedures are specified in General Laws 1905 Chap. 230.
The State Drainage Commission succeeded the Red River Valley Drainage Commission in 1897 (Laws 1897 c318). Originally consisting of three members appointed by the governor, the commission was changed in 1901 to consist of the governor, the state auditor, and the secretary of state (Laws 1901 c90). This commission appointed a state drainage engineer, who performed or supervised the commission's work.
The Drainage Commission was abolished in 1919 and all of its powers and authority were transferred to the Department of Drainage and Waters (Laws 1919 c471).
Agency heads:
Drainage engineers: George A. Ralph, 1901-1913; E. V. Willard (acting), 1914-1919.
Record last updated:
All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These
materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.