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Minnesota Agencies

Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Office for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives

Also known as:
MMIR Office
Active dates:2021 -

The commissioner of public safety shall establish and maintain an Office of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives dedicated to preventing and ending the targeting of Indigenous women, children, and two-spirited people. Additional duties of the office are described in Minn. Stat. 299A.85, subd. 4.

The office must report annually, by January 15, on measurable outcomes achieved to meet its statutory duties, along with specific objectives and outcome measures proposed for the following year. The report must include data and statistics on missing and murdered indigenous women, children, and relatives in Minnesota, including names, dates of disappearance, and dates of death, to the extent the data is publicly available.


The Office of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives, established under the Department of Public Safety's Office of Justice Programs, follows the work of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Task Force. The task force recommended the creation of this office in its final report.

Subordinate to:
Agency heads:

The commissioner must appoint a director who is a person closely connected to a Tribe or Indigenous community and who is highly knowledgeable about criminal investigations. The commissioner is encouraged to consider candidates for appointment who are recommended by Tribes and Indigenous communities.

The director may select, appoint, and compensate out of available funds assistants and employees as necessary to discharge the office's responsibilities.

Director: Juliet Rudie (February 14, 2022 - )

Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
Hundreds of Minnesotans march for missing and murdered Indigenous relatives. Star Tribune, 2/15/2024.
Minnesota's MMIR report reveals nine disturbing themes perpetuating injustices against Indigenous people. Debahjimon, November 2023.
First-in-the-nation state office takes on epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous Minnesotans. Star Tribune, 3/27/2022.
Director named to lead Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Office. Minnesota Department of Public Safety News Release, 2/14/2022.
Director named to lead Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Office: First of its kind in the nation, it will work with tribes, law enforcement, communities. Debahjimon, February 2022.
Job description: Director MMIR Office. State of Minnesota, 11/16/2021.
Minnesota forms nation's first state office on missing, murdered Indigenous people. Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), 7/6/2021.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 2021-2022.
Record last updated: 11/27/2023

All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.

Agencies image