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Minnesota Agencies

Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Behavioral Health Planning Council

Also known as:
Minnesota Behavioral Health Planning Council
Active dates:2017 -
42 U.S.C., Chapter 6A, Part B, Subpart I, 300x-3

The Minnesota Behavioral Health Planning Council (BHPC) is an integrated mental health and substance use disorder council that advises the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Division regarding Minnesota’s combined Mental Health and Substance Abuse Federal Block Grant. Minnesota’s Behavioral Health Planning Council is required through the Federal Public Health and Welfare Act, Chapter 6A.
Responsibilities of the Council include: 

  • Review plans provided to the council by the state (pursuant to 42 U.S.C., Chapter 6A, Part B, Subpart I, §300x–4.(a) Review of State Plan by Mental Health Planning Council) and submit to the State any recommendations of the council for modifications to the plans;
  • Serve as an advocate for adults with serious mental illness, children with severe emotional disturbance, other individuals with mental illnesses, and people experiencing or at risk of experiencing substance use disorder;
  • Monitor, review and evaluate not less than once each year, the allocation and adequacy of mental health and substance use disorder programs and services within the state.
  • Establish council bylaws, including group norms/values, leadership and decision-making structures.
  • Represent council activities under the direction of the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Division, as needed.

The Council was launched in 2017. States are required to submit annual reports for the Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) and Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) by December of each year. 


The Behavioral Health Planning Council is composed of residents of the State of Minnesota, including representatives of the principle State agencies with respect to: mental health, education, vocational rehabilitation, criminal justice, housing, and social services.

Entries for this agency in the Annual Compilation and Statistical Report of Multi-Member Agencies Report: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020.

Note: This report provides membership details as well as meeting information and a summary of the group's activities.

Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
Record last updated: 11/12/2020

All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.

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