The 2021 legislature mandated the following: "The Governor's Council on an Age-Friendly Minnesota, established in Executive Order 19-38, shall: (1) work to advance age-friendly policies; and (2) coordinate state, local, and private partners' collaborative work on emergency preparedness, with a focus on older adults, communities, and persons in zip codes most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor's Council on an Age-Friendly Minnesota is extended and expires October 1, 2022" (see Laws of Minn. 2021, chap. 30, art. 12, sec. 5).
The council's expiration date was extended to June 30, 2024 in the 2021 first special session (see Laws of Minn. 2021, 1st Sp. Sess., chap. 7, art. 17, sec. 2). In 2023, the Legislature extended the council's expiration date again, to June 30, 2027 (see Laws of Minn. 2023, chap. 61, art. 2, sec. 35).