The commissioner of health, in consultation with the commissioners of commerce, agriculture, and public safety, and the executive director of the Board of Pharmacy, shall convene a workgroup to advise the legislature on how to regulate products that contain cannabinoids extracted from hemp.
The commissioner shall assess the public health and consumer safety impact on the sale of cannabinoids derived from hemp and shall develop a regulatory framework of what the legislature would need to consider including, but not limited to:
- cultivation standards for industrial hemp if the hemp is used for any product intended for human or animal consumption;
- labeling requirements for products containing cannabidiol extracted from hemp, including the amount and percentage of cannabidiol in the product, the name of the manufacturer of the product, and the ingredients contained in the product;
- possible restrictions of advertising and marketing of the cannabidiol product;
- restrictions of false, misleading, or unsubstantiated health claims;
- requirements for the independent testing of cannabidiol products, including quality control and chemical identification;
- safety standards for edible products containing cannabinoids extracted from hemp, including container and packaging requirements; and
- any other requirement or procedure the commissioner deems necessary.
By January 15, 2020, the commissioner of health shall submit the results of the workgroup to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over public health, consumer protection, public safety, and agriculture.