The commissioners of health and human services shall convene a Blue Ribbon Commission to advise and assist the legislature and governor in transforming the health and human services system to build greater efficiencies, savings, and better outcomes for Minnesotans. By October 1, 2020, the commission shall develop and present to the legislature and the governor an action plan for transforming the health and human services system to improve program efficiencies, produce savings, and promote better outcomes for Minnesotans.
The action plan developed by the commission must include, but is not limited to, the following:
- strategies to increase administrative efficiencies and improve program simplification within health and human services public programs, including examining the roles and experience of counties and tribes in delivering services and identifying any conflicting and duplicative roles and responsibilities among health and human services agencies, counties, and tribes;
- approaches to reducing health and human services expenditures, including identifying evidence-based strategies for addressing the significant cost drivers of state spending on health and human services, including the medical assistance program;
- opportunities for reducing fraud and improving program integrity in health and human services; and
- statewide strategies for improving access to health and human services with a focus on addressing geographic, racial, and ethnic disparities.
The commission may contract with a private entity or consultant as necessary to complete its duties under this section, and shall be exempt from state procurement process requirements under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16C.
In developing the action plan, the commission shall take into consideration the impact of its recommendations on: the existing capacity of state agencies, including staffing needs, technology resources, and existing agency responsibilities; and the capacity of county and tribal partners.
The commission shall not include in the action plan recommendations that may result in loss of benefits for the individuals eligible for state health and human services public programs or exacerbate health disparities and inequities in access to health care and human services.