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Minnesota Agencies

Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention Benefit Advisory Group

Also known as:
EIDBI Advisory Group
Active dates:2017-
Established by the Department of Human Services

The EIDBI is a new medical benefit first offered in 2016 under Medicaid. EIDBI is available to people under age 21 with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and/or related conditions. Related conditions include Asperger's Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders, pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), and Rett Syndrome. The EIDBI Advisory Group will be consulted on the ongoing development of EIDBI policies and standards and on the implementation of the EIDBI benefit. Members will be expected to share information with and seek input from organizations they are affiliated with that support persons with autism and related conditions.


The Minnesota Legislature created the Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention (EIDBI) Benefit as a Minnesota Health Care Program in 2013 (Minnesota Statutes, section 256B.0949). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved Minnesota’s plan under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) created an EIDBI advisory group in 2017.


Persons appointed to the EIDBI Advisory Group through the open appointments process must fit one of these member categories:

  1. Adult with ASD or a related condition
  2. Parent/guardian of a child under age 21 diagnosed with ASD or a related condition
  3. Provider of EIDBI and/or CMDE services
  4. Developmental Disabilities (DD) or behavioral professional
  5. Licensed professional (such as a psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, special education teacher, occupational or speech therapist, etc.) who works directly with people under age 21 with ASD and related conditions
  6. Academic whose field of research and teaching directly relates to people under age 21 diagnosed with ASD and related conditions
  7. Advocate who works or volunteers for an organization that advocates on behalf of people under age 21 diagnosed with ASD and related conditions.
  8. Representative of a managed care organization serving people in Minnesota who are under age 21 and are diagnosed with ASD and related conditions
  9. Representative of a Minnesota Indian Tribe or a Native American resident of Minnesota

Entries for this agency in the Annual Compilation and Statistical Report of Multi-Member Agencies Report: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018.

Note: This report provides membership details as well as meeting information and a summary of the group's activities.

News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 2018.
Record last updated: 08/22/2023

All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.

Agencies image