The 17 members of the work group shall include:
(1) two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker of the house and one appointed by the minority leader;
(2) two members of the senate, one appointed by the majority leader and one appointed by the minority leader;
(3) the commissioner of health or a designee;
(4) the commissioner of human services or a designee;
(5) one representative of consumers or victims;
(6) the ombudsman for long-term care established under Minnesota Statutes, section 256.974;
(7) one representative from Care Providers of Minnesota;
(8) one representative from LeadingAge Minnesota;
(9) one representative from the Minnesota Home Care Association;
(10) one representative from the Minnesota chapter of AARP;
(11) one representative of a nonprofit organization with a focus on Alzheimer's disease;
(12) one representative of county attorneys;
(13) one representative with legal expertise on medical privacy; and
(14) one representative of direct-care workers.
Work Group members: Amanda Vickstrom (chair), Executive Director of Minnesota Elder Justice Center; Rep. Nick Zerwas; Rep. Deb Hillstrom; Sen. Alice Johnson; Sen. Michelle Benson; Gilbert Acevedo, Assistant Commissioner, Health Systems Bureau, Minnesota Department of Health; Loren Colman, Assistant Commissioner, Continuing Care - Minnesota Department of Human Services; Jean Peters, Representative of Consumers or Victims; Cheryl Hennen, State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Doug Beardsley, Vice President of Member Services, Care Providers of Minnesota; Jonathan Lips, Vice President of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, LeadingAge Minnesota; Skip Valusek, Member of the MHCA Legislative Team, Minnesota Home Care Association (MCHA); Mary Jo George, Assistant State Director for Advocacy, AARP Minnesota; Beth McMullen, Vice President, Government Affairs, Alzheimer's Association Minnesota-North Dakota; Tony Palumbo, County Attorney and Chief Prosecutor, Anoka County Attorney's Office; Rebecca Coffin, Attorney at Law, Voight, Rode & Boxeth, LLC; Rick Varco, Political Director, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota.