Minnesota Agencies
Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions
Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library
Fraud Prevention Working Group
Also known as:
Fraud Working Group
Active dates:2013-2014
Established by Senator James Metzen, Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee
Function: To address a growing fraud problem in Minnesota, a bipartisan group was formed to identify top fraud-related isses and come up with solutions to the problem. The working group is to report back to the commerce committee with recommendations for the 2014 legislative session.
On May 14, 2013, Senator Metzen, Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, appointed Senator Jensen and Senator Gazelka as co-chairs of a working group on insurance fraud issues facing Minnesota citizens.
The Working Group had their first meeting on June 18, 2013. The group met the third Thursday of each month starting in September of 2013. They held eight meetings in total.
The working group recommends in its 2014 final report that the chair of the Senate Commerce committee establish a standing sub-committee to continue the work of the working group.
11 members: Co-chairs Sen. Vicki Jensen (DFL) and Sen. Paul Gazelka (R).
Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 2013-2014.
Record last updated:
All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These
materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.