The Task Force was established to make recommendations on requirements for teacher licensure applicants to demonstrate mastery of reading, writing, and mathematics skills through nationally normed assessments, a professional skills portfolio, or accredited college coursework, among other methods of demonstrating skills mastery; and an alternative licensure pathway for nonnative English speakers seeking licensure to teach in a language immersion program. These recommendations are to be forwarded to the Board of Teaching, the education commissioner, and the education committees of the legislature.
The task force shall sunset the day after submitting the report under subdivision 6, or February 2, 2014, whichever is earlier.
The Board of Teaching must consider the recommendations of the advisory task force and adopt revised rules by January 1, 2015,
governing the skills portion of the teacher licensure exam.
The Task Force held eight meetings beginning on August 1, 2013, and completed its work on January 16, 2014.