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Minnesota Agencies

Information on Minnesota State Agencies, Boards, Task Forces, and Commissions

Compiled by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Governor's Task Force on Broadband

Active dates:2011 -

The task force researches, recommends, and promotes state broadband policy, planning, and initiatives that address state broadband needs and goals. The task force will create an annual report due no later than December 31 each year which includes an inventory and assessment of: the needs, barriers, issues, and goals for broadband access; the needs and use of broadband in Minnesota's education systems, health care system, agriculture and energy sectors, industries and businesses, libraries, governmental operations, federally designated tribal nations, public safety, and other key economic sectors; digital inclusion definitions, along with benefits, needs, and strategies for addressing identified gaps; broadband availability and accessibility for unserved and underserved populations; advances in technologies used to deploy services; opportunities to coordinate with federal, state, and local agencies; and a review of the continued adequacy and appropriateness of the existing statutory broadband goals.


In an August 2011 news release, Governor Mark Dayton indicated his reasons for creating this task force: "Broadband accessibility is an issue that is critical to growing our state's economy - particularly in greater Minnesota. As long as there are inequities in access to broadband in Minnesota, we will see those same inequities reflected in our schools, hospitals and businesses,"

Gov. Dayton's Executive Order stated that "it is a goal of the state that by 2015, and thereafter, the state be in: the top five states of the United States for broadband speed universally accessible to residents and businesses; the top five state for broadband access; and the top 15 when compared to countries globally for broadband penetration"

Dayton also directed the Minnesota Department of Commerce to create a Broadband Development Office.

The Task Force issued its first report in December, 2011. It states, in part: "The report we present today is a high-level analysis utilizing existing data and information that will allow the Task Force to move forward into 2012 with a foundation upon which we can develop a more comprehensive approach to broadband policy development. This process will begin in January 2012 when the Task Force will release a Minnesota Broadband Plan Outline."

In the subsequent January 31, 2012 report, the task force indicated that in addition to the "Annual Broadband Plan" that will be submitted in December 2012, a September 2012 "Status Report" would be delivered to the Governor.

In March 2019, Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 19-10, which rescinded Executive Order 11-27 (through which Governor Dayton had originally established the Governor's Task Force on Broadband). In that same executive order, Governor Walz established a largely similar council to Governor Dayton's.


As of 2019, the task force consists of fifteen members who are appointed by the Governor and have experience or interest in broadband matters. The members must represent a balance of broadband interests, including: residential and business consumers, local governments, libraries, K-12 and higher education institutions, tribal interests, healthcare, broadband providers, economic development, agriculture, rural development, workforce development, and labor interests.

The Governor will designate a member to serve as Chair of the Task Force. The Task Force must meet at least ten times per year. The Office of Broadband Development at the DEED will provide logistical and administrative support to the Task Force. The Task Force must engage key broadband stakeholders as advisors in its deliberations.

Entries for this agency in the Annual Compilation and Statistical Report of Multi-Member Agencies Report: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014.

Note: This report provides membership details as well as meeting information and a summary of the group's activities.

Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 2011-2019.
Record last updated: 01/14/2025

All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.

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