Coon Rapids Dam Commission
Active dates:2010 -
Function: The commission shall study options and make recommendations for the future of the Coon Rapids Dam, including its suitable public uses, governance, operation, and maintenance and financing of the dam and its operations. The commission shall consider economic, environmental, ecological, and other pertinent factors. The commission shall, by March 1, 2011, develop and present to the legislature and the governor an analysis and recommendations for the Coon Rapids Dam. The commission shall present its findings to the house of representatives and senate committees and divisions having jurisdiction over natural resources and energy policy.
The commission consists of 15 voting members and three nonvoting members as follows:
(1) two members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house, with one member from the minority caucus;
(2) two members of the senate appointed by the Subcommittee on Committees of the Committee on Rules and Administration, with one member from the minority caucus;
(3) the commissioner of natural resources or the commissioner's designee;
(4) the commissioner of energy or the commissioner's designee;
(5) two representatives of Three Rivers Park District, appointed by the Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners;
(6) one representative each from the counties of Anoka and Hennepin, appointed by the respective county boards;
(7) one representative each from the cities of Anoka, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, and Coon Rapids, appointed by the respective mayors;
(8) one representative from the Metropolitan Council, appointed by the council chair;
(9) one representative of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area,
appointed by the superintendent of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, who shall serve as a nonvoting member;
(10) one representative of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, appointed by the commander of the St. Paul District, United States Army Corps of Engineers, who shall serve as a nonvoting member; and
(11) one representative from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, appointed by the regional director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, who shall serve as a nonvoting member.
(c) The commission shall elect a chair from among its members.
(d) Members of the commission shall serve a term of one year and may be reappointed for any successive number of terms.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 2010.
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