The State Board of Relief was created in 1919 to prevent disasters that threatened to destroy life or property and to grant relief or temporary assistance to communities stricken by disease, flood, storm, fire, or action of the elements (Ex. Sess. Laws 1919 c35). It was authorized to use, in any such emergency, any property or vehicle, or any means of transportation, communication, or public service which it deemed necessary to save life or property. It was authorized to use state offices and facilities, the state militia, the state fire marshal, and any employees of the state when needed for relief or to prevent a disaster.
The state board of relief shall transmit to the state legislature not later than March 1st of every year in which there is a regular session of the legislature, a report in detail of all the expenses of-the board, of all moneys paid out for preventative measures and of all moneys paid out for relief. It shall also transmit all information and make such recommendations as will assist the legislature in the enactment of further legislation which might be necessary in the prevention of great calamities.