Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission
Active dates:1963-1967
Function: Preserve, develop, and maintain the natural resources of Minnesota to sustain the quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources.
The Commission shall study the state policy relating to public access, shall study the system of user fees and permits and concession awards with a view toward making Provision for adequate maintenance and improvement of facilities to be afforded, shall study use permits and license fees imposed in the other parts of the United States for similar outdoor recreational facilities and compile data upon the fees and charges made by private enterprise for affording similar outdoor recreational facilities to the public.
The Commission shall study the problem of noxious aquatic vegetation.
The Commission shall present not later than December 1, 1964 and on December 1 of each even numbered year thereafter a report as of that time of its review, a compilation of its data, and its recommendations.
In 1963, the Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission was created to help determine state outdoor recreation needs and guide state investments to meet those needs. A cigarette tax was enacted to help fund outdoor recreation investments through the state Future Resources Fund. The commission later became the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources and, more recently, the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. These commissions have recommended projects and programs for funding to the legislature for the past four decades, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in both state and local outdoor recreation lands and facilities through direct appropriations and state matching grant programs. State dollars were matched by many millions more in federal and local government funds. The outdoor recreation system in Minnesota owes much of its existence to this multi-decade effort. Other major state investments in outdoor recreation acquisition and facilities have come primarily through state bonding and the state Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, which uses a portion of the state lottery proceeds.
(From: Adapting to change : Minnesota's 2008-2012 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan)
14 appointed members; 7 members of the Senate, appointed by the committee on committees, and 7 members of the House, appointed by the Speaker.
Agency heads:
Consultants were used to staff the commission prior to July 1974.
Note: The Legislative Reference Library may have additional reports on or by this group available through our catalog.
News clippings and documents. Agencies Notebook Collection, 1963-1967.
Record last updated:
All information on this group from the Library’s collection of agency notebooks has been digitized. These
materials are incorporated into the “documents/articles” section of the record. Please contact a librarian with any questions. The Minnesota Agencies database is a work in progress.