This Web-based document was archived by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library.
Minnesota Milestones 2010: Index of Well-Being

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Indicator 19: Index of Well-Being

Thumbs maybeimage
Rationale: A sense of personal well-being is an important indicator of health and quality of life.
About this indicator: Minnesota ranked 5th overall on the index. The well-being index is based on questions asked in a large, ongoing survey conducted by the Gallup organization and reported by AHIP, America’s Health Insurance Plans. The indicator is based on a set of 42 questions covering the areas of life evaluation, work quality, basic access, healthy behavior, physical health and emotional health.

Data from the survey was first reported for 2008, so no time series is available.

For comparison: Minnesota’s high overall position reflects high rankings on the dimensions of basic access, physical health and emotional health. Minnesota was lower on other dimensions including healthy behavior, work conditions and life evaluation.

The index is also calculated for each Congressional District. Minnesota’s Third Congressional District was the highest ranked in the state, 23rd among 435 districts. The Eighth District ranked 235th, the lowest standing among the state’s eight Districts.

Things to think about: Variation on some items is greater than on others.
Local data:

Milestones is a product of the Minnesota State Demographic Center, a division of the Department of Administration